“In this whimsical chapter, we follow the amusing adventures of three men from Gotham, a town known for its eccentric and humorous inhabitants. Each man embarks on a peculiar quest, leading to a series of comical and absurd situations. Through their misadventures, the story offers a light-hearted exploration of human folly and the charm of the absurd, celebrating the playful spirit of the Gotham folk.”
50 Famous Stories Retold, Chapter 10: Three Men of Gotham
50 Famous Stories Retold by James Baldwin is public domain.
Everyday Charlotte is owned and operated by Julie Boston.
The song used in this episode, © "Wildflower", was composed and performed by Julie Boston and is copyrighted.
This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit everydaycharlotte.substack.com
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