“In this charming chapter, we encounter King Alfred the Great during a time of hardship. Disguised as a common man, Alfred takes refuge in a poor woman’s home. Unrecognized, he helps her with household chores, including baking cakes. When he accidentally burns the cakes, the woman’s displeasure contrasts with his true royal status. This story highlights themes of humility and the idea that even great leaders must sometimes perform the most humble tasks.”
50 Famous Stories Retold, Chapter 1, "King Alfred and the Cakes"
*Start 3:01 if you wish to skip the Preface.
50 Famous Stories Retold by James Baldwin is public domain.
Everyday Charlotte is owned and operated by Julie Boston.
The song used in this episode, © "Wildflower", was composed and performed by Julie Boston and is copyrighted.
This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit everydaycharlotte.substack.com
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